Gusts in the Gums - Lionel finds his way - Finale

Gusts in the Gums – Lionel finds his way
By Michael Kendall
Illustrations by Emma Pinferi

The wind was blowing through the branches of the gum tree where Merry Molly Magpie lives. There was unrest in the air by the creek and pond, where four friends lived and played.
Pretty Penny Platypus was concerned about her hat blowing away. Waddling Wally Wombat felt a chill through his woollen waistcoat and Lying Lionel Lizard held onto his bag of lollies with a tight grip.

The wind was unsettling all the animals.

Lionel is a little lizard and he was particularly anxious, as he felt he might get blown away. Oh dear, thought Lionel. Lionel looked around for some company. He thought he may feel safer if he was with a friend. Lionel wandered along the track looking for a friend. Lionel likes Penny but did not want to show his fear to her. Wally was a heavy set fellow and would be his best bet for this type of weather. Lionel called out “Wally,” as loudly as he could in the hope he was nearby. There was dust in the air and Lionel's eyes began to get gritty and he could not see very well. Lionel wandered off the track and could not see where he was going. Lionel stumbled about in his black boots and tripped, fell and bumped his head on a rock. Poor Lionel became dizzy, he lay on the ground and passed out.

Wally thought he heard a faint call of his name in the distance. Wally was trying to help Penny tie her hat tightly on her head.
I think I may have heard Lionel calling my name,” said Wally to Penny.
Yes, I think you are right,” said Penny.
We better see what Lionel wants,” said Wally.
The two friends started looking along the track. Wally called Lionels name, but no reply from Lionel. After a little while, Wally said to Penny. “I am worried about Lionel in this wind, as he is a little lizard,”.
Yes, I think we should call Molly Magpie to help us find Lionel,” said Penny.
Penny called out to Molly in the gum tree. Molly came down from her home.
Hello Penny and Wally,” said Molly.
Hello Molly,” said Penny and Wally.
Can you help us find Lionel, please?” asked Penny.
Yes, I will fly high and look around for Lionel,” said Molly.
Off she flew high into the sky.

Not long went by and she returned to Penny and Wally.
I have spotted Lionel laying on the ground, he is not moving. We should go and help him,” said Molly.
Lead the way Molly,” said Penny.
Quickly,” said Wally.

It was not long and they arrived at where Lionel was laying on the ground. There was bump on Lionels head from the fall he had. His friends knew he was hurt.
Wake up Lionel,” said Wally in a concerned voice.
Penny touched Lionel on his arm and he began to open his eyes. Lionel looked around in surprise to see all his friends by his side.
Lionel, you are hurt,” said Penny.
Lionel realised he had fainted and did not want Penny to think he was weak in any way. Lionel thought he may tell a lie, but then he realised this was not a good idea and said to his friends. “Yes, I am hurt and thank you for helping me,” Lionel felt much better very quickly for having such good friends and for telling the truth.

They all went to Penny's home. Molly put an ice pack wrapped in a red checker tea towel to Lionels head. Penny made tea and scones for everyone. Lionel said, “Thank you everyone,” and his friends replied “You are most welcome Lionel,”

The End

All images & content of this website © Michael Kendall 2011