Gusts in the Gums - by the camp fire - third story

Gusts in the Gums – by the camp fire – third story
By Michael Kendall
Illustrations by Emma Pinferi


Waddling Wally Wombat and Pretty Penny Platypus were standing together on top of the creek bank looking west. They were watching the sun set on the horizon. It had been a lovely day and now the light was fading and the sky had a warm yellow orange and pink tinge to it. “Very pretty, I like pink,” said Penny.
Yes,” said Wally. Wally liked being with Penny and Penny liked being with Wally. There was no wind and the evening was drawing near.

How about we make a camp fire? Asked Wally. “I can make a fire for us,” said Wally. Wally had learnt a few bush skills and one of them was from watching an aboriginal use a fire stick.
Ok Wally,” said Penny.
So Penny and Wally collected some dry sticks and bark. They made a circle of stones in a shallow in the ground and then Wally set to work with some effort to make the camp fire. Wally had the camp fire burning nicely, just as it was getting dark. The light flickered in the night.
Wally and Penny sat on a log and watched the flames dancing, keeping them nice and cosy.

The light flickering had been noticed by Lying Lionel Lizard. Lionel was resting under a pile of large rocks nearby. What is going on? thought Lionel. Lionel had been munching on a big bag of marshmallows. Lionel had only been able to eat half the bag as he is a little Lizard. Lizards like to be warm and so Lionel thought he might get closer to the fire he could see near by. Lionel likes lollies and took his marshmallows with him towards the fire. As he got closer to the fire he could see Penny with Wally. Well that looks very cosy thought Lionel. I really don't feel like sharing my lollies thought Lionel. How can I have my lollies with me and be near the fire?, he thought. Lionel decided to try and scare Penny and Wally because he thought they may go away. Then Lionel could toast his marshmallows. Fun thought Lionel. Lionel decided to make some scary hissing and growling noises to see what would happen. Lionel was hiding behind a bush near the camp fire. Lionel began hissing and growling. Being a little lizard his hissing and growling was not very scary at all. Wally and Penny heard Lionel's funny squeaking noises and decided to investigate. Penny is quite a brave Platypus and headed towards the bush where the noises were coming from.
Penny is also a clever platypus and thought she might know who was making the squeeking.
Wally was watching closely ready with a stick.

Lionel saw Penny coming towards him and worried that Penny might find out he was making scary noises. Lionel jumped out of the bush surprising Penny. Penny asked Lionel “What are you doing here?” Lionel began to explain himself by telling a lie to Penny. “I was just heading home and saw your campfire. I heard a horrible scary noise and thought I would scare such a horrible creature away,” said Lionel to Penny. Lionel thought he may impress Penny with his bravery.

Penny giggled. “Was that noise you Lionel?” asked Penny.
Penny knows Lionel tells lies.
No, it wasn't me!” said Lionel.
Lionel looked rather guilty as he looked down to the ground and shuffled his feet. Penny was not convinced Lionel was telling the truth.

Lionel did not notice Wally watching everything that was going on.
Wally could hear and see Lionel from a distance and decided Lionel was most likely telling a lie. Wally decided to make a horrible hissing and growling noise from behind a bush, so as to frighten Lionel. Wally thought this may teach Lionel a lesson.

Penny and Lionel heard a dreadful hissing and growling noise. Penny recognised Wally's voice and was not scared. Lionel heard this noise and began to get scared. In great fear Lionel dropped his bag of marshmallows and said to Penny. “I must be off home now. Keep the marshmallows if you like.” Lionel then quickly scurried off to his log home. Lying Lionel Lizzard missed out on sitting by the camp fire with the company of friends and sharing toasted marshmallows.

Penny picked up the bag of marshmallows and took them back to the camp fire. Penny toasted the marshmallows and politely said to Wally, “Would you like a toasted marshmallow Wally?”
They both sat happily together eating and sharing toasted marshmallows by the campfire.

All images & content of this website © Michael Kendall 2011