Gusts in the Gums - Introduction

Inspired by Cradle Mountain in Tasmania

Gusts in the Gums
By Michael Kendall
Illustrations by Emma Pinferi

Pretty Penny platypus – dresses in pink and yellow
Likes to be polite – rather proper
Is a good person by nature
Penny is a good swimmer
Penny is a good cook
Is friends with Wally

Waddling Wally Wombat – dressed in a woollen waistcoat
Prone to accidents and gullible, means well
Loves food and is a bit over weight
Friendly laid back and helpful
Country character
Is friends with Penny

Lying Lionel Lizard – laying on a log wears black leather boots
A liar and a show off – full of puff and blow
Trouble maker – mischievous
Lionel is a small lizard
Eats too many lollies
Loves himself
Wants to be friends with Penny

Merry Molly Magpie – makes musical melodies in the gum trees

     Makes some of her own jewellery
     Likes singing and dancing
     Is a bit of a gossip
     Is fond of Penny

Gusts in the Gums - Prologue
By Michael Kendall

A beautiful morning to start a new Summer day. Life was stirring on the banks of the creek where four friendly little animals live together. The cool life giving water that flows into the pond is part of their home. A big shady gum tree stood tall to keep a hot summer sun at bay. A cascading waterfall makes ripples that dance to a merry magpie's songs as she sings high in the gum tree. It is sure to be magic, for happiness can be had for anyone to take in the morning mist that rose from a beauty that filled the heart with joy.

Wally wombat and Penny platypus have hearts that are open to the love of life. There is always room for others and sharing comes easy to mellow thoughts of kindness from good souls.

Yet next to these twins in life there is Lionel Lizard and his methods of self and thoughtlessness. What tragedy he bestows upon others and damage to where he be. Good example is not seen or heard by him and thus none given from foolish ways of lies and boasting. We live in hope for a little lizard that likes lollies and travels a path with folly in front of him.

All images & content of this website © Michael Kendall